Thank you Shawn Seipler of Clean the World for speaking at University of Miami ECO Board’s event.
ECO Board’s tabling with the Commuter Association testing students knowledge on how much gasoline America uses and encourage carpooling
Brandon Tran hosts storm Drain Labeling event with Orange County Environmental Protection Division and Chick-fil-A.
Teens Go Green Eco-Fashion Show in Lake Eola Park showcasing garbage fashion

Elizabeth Tran coordinated University of Miami's Earth Week as part of the environmental branch of student government. The ECO board had a balloon toss with biodegradable water balloons and recycled soaps from Clean the World.

University of Miami's second day of Earth Week supporting art with recycled materials. Elizabeth even made a vest for Sebastian the Ibis made from discarded Distraction Magazines!
Recognition from Orange County Environmental Protection Division and Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs for bringing our volunteer group to storm drain labeling and community clean ups.
Food Day for UM’s Earth Week. University of Miami’s Farmers Market gave discounts, Empowered Youth Food Truck and the Energy Conservation Organization taught students how to collect compost at home.
University of Miami tour of the Arboretum and plants as part of Earth Week.
Students calculated their carbon footprint and learned about biking on campus with UBike and garden food from Vitality U. Afterwards students took part in Critical Mass, a monthly bike-ride around the City of Miami. Thank you Tesla Motors for bringing your Model S and Whole Foods pizza.
Met with Orange County Environmental Protection Division to work on the Enviroscape Workshop.
Collected information pamphlets and soap samples from Clean the World for our table at Keene’s Crossing Elementary’s Green Day.
TGG had a whole wall in their cafeteria with all the activities we were hosting. We had an Enviroscape Workshop, oil spill demonstration, recycled magazine origami, Clean the World and Disney Friends for Change tabling, and eco-games. Brandon, Rosanna, Charisma, and Elizabeth Tran and Adriana, Jose, Gabriela, and Eva Baez worked together to keep this table in function.
Attended the Princess Ball as a royal guest to raise funds for Harbor House and support the young girls from there.
Clean the World is a non-profit organization very close to Teens Go Green and recycles soap from hotels to distribute to those in need of proper hygiene.
Throughout the year, pageant girls donate their old pageant trophies for our pageant and we recycle it for our annual pageant and fashion show.
The sixth annual event was hosted in Holiday Inn Orlando International Airport. With a much larger ballroom, we were able to have eight Miracle Models and raise $11,439 for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
Teens Go Green participating in Straight Street Orlando Food Share
Revitalizing an Aquaponics System at the Women’s Rehabilitation and Counseling Center with IDEAS.
Teens Go Green hosts a Trash Fashion Show for the Central Florida Veg Festival
Elizabeth Tran and Nika Hosseini are bringing solar-powered water purification systems to Kiburara, Uganda. See Elizabeth’s post on IDEAS, a United Nations supported environmental non-profit organization, about the plans:
TOY Story Project bringing toys, reading Christmas stories, and making arts and crafts with first graders
Santa’s Workshop at Arnold Palmer Hospital: Teens Go Green and Miracle Royalty 2014 donated toys for the children at Arnold Palmer Hospital, a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital
Teens Go Green hosted a Storm Drain Labeling event at Berkshire Park on behalf of the Orange County Environmental Protection Division.
Mona’s Divas studio and Teens Go Green hosted a teddy bear decorating event to donate to Arnold Palmer Hospital’s ambulance truck. When we took a tour with the Miracle Royalty last year, the truck had an empty space that was originally filled with teddy bears, so we wanted to refill it again!

Teens Go Green ended 2014 recognizing our incredible volunteers for their service and efforts. All volunteers received bronze, silver, and gold awards!