Open enrollment for board members to establish a non-profit organization with a goal to raise public awareness to protect our environment, our future.
Teens Go Green Global formally registered with the state of Florida as a non-profit organization with a mission to preserve our environment using teen powers.

Founder Elizabeth Tran’s designs of “Queens Go Green” & “Elvis Go Green” eco-friendly totes were introduced to public to raise funds for Teens Go Green
Teens Go Green's official website is launched in the public and shared to peers, Girls and Boys Scouts, and social media platforms
Teens Go Green sponsored Miss America Outstanding Teen Scholarship Pageant with eco-friendly “Queens Go Green” totes and spread the message of preserving our natural resources to pageant contestants across the nations. All MAOT contestants received the eco-friendly totes and used them for all their shopping during the pageant week. Many of the contestants wrote back and told us that they are using the totes for all their shopping now and in the future.
Teens Go Green President Elizabeth Tran rocked the runway at Orlando Southern Women show in the “Discover your Purseonality” fashion show with ” Queens Go Green” tote.

Teens Go Green volunteered at Give Kids The World Village to help the terminally ill children to have a dream vacation. TGG President Elizabeth Tran, vice president Alexander Tran, Tiffany Tang, Nikki Bang, Sylvia Lai and Allen Hui were there with their parents Agnes Chau, Thai & Eppie Bang, Rosanna Tran.

Start “Neighbors Go Green” to encourage and help residents in Orlando neighborhood to start recycling program by requesting recycle bins for all those neighbors that need help