How a Trash Gown Lead my Family on TLC

How a Pageant Garbage Gown Lead me on TLC Furniture packaging dress. This was the dress I wore at Miss Florida, USA. It was first, the evening gown i wore at Miss Florida, USA, 2019, and then it was repurposed into an opening number dress for the following years pageant. It’s not exactly a bubble wrap. […]
Trash Fashion Miss Florida USA

Why I made my Miss Florida USA gown out of garbage? Competing at Miss Florida USA had been a huge dream of mine that I had to fight myself to do. I was extremely intimidated to compete. The first year I did it, I was lost. I took a gap year off my college and […]
The Journey to Trash Fashion

My Journey Into Trash Fashion Previous Next I started Teens Go Green in 2008 to promote minimal waste after passing by one of the highest points in South Florida, known as “Mount Trashmore.” Over the years, I’ve done volunteer service events, speaking engagements, and fundraisers. But I’ve been most known for hosting trash fashion […]