The Journey to Trash Fashion

My Journey Into Trash Fashion Previous Next I started Teens Go Green in 2008 to promote minimal waste after passing by one of the highest points in South Florida, known as “Mount Trashmore.” Over the years, I’ve done volunteer service events, speaking engagements, and fundraisers. But I’ve been most known for hosting trash fashion […]
Flying isn’t Eco, but here’s how we can try

How to Make Flying Just a Little More Sustainable One of the worst ways to impact the environment is flying. The amount of waste, carbon emissions, and energy consumed is enormous. Despite the amount of sustainable efforts I make as an eco-conscious millennial, I know it does not make up for my flights. It’s so […]
First time at a Container-Less Refillable Store
Verde – Refill Store Shopping Haul I remember whenever I would go to Wynwood I would pass by a store called Verde, and the sign showed some elements of sustainability so it caught my eye. I looked it up online and it was actually a refillable store, but I didn’t know what to expect as […]
Cluttered Closet Cleanout

Cluttered Closet Clean-Out If anyone’s seen my room, they know it is a mess covered in clothes and hoarded items over the years. How I wish I had school uniform as a kid! I was so desperate to be “cool” and in my silly little head I thought that I had to wear Abercrombie and […]
The 5 Reasons why the Reusable Bottle reigns supreme

Why the Reusable Water Bottle Reigns Supreme As you may have seen in my last post, recycling should be the last environmentally efficient action to take place, under reusing and reducing. So of course I prefer a reusable water bottle over plastic. After I got my boyfriend into doing it, I’ve also been able to […]
Reduce, THEN Reuse, THEN Recycle

The other day I met someone who claimed they were an environmentalist, but told me they haven’t recycled over the last two years. That made me scratch my head, as recycling is one of the main three pillars when it comes to becoming more sustainable. It turns out she hasn’t recycled anything over this time […]