How to Make Flying Just a Little More Sustainable

One of the worst ways to impact the environment is flying. The amount of waste, carbon emissions, and energy consumed is enormous. Despite the amount of sustainable efforts I make as an eco-conscious millennial, I know it does not make up for my flights. It’s so hard to sacrifice when you love to travel, and it saves massive amounts of time.
So as I am now flying with guilt luring over me, I wanted to just give some quick tips on how to be even a ~little bit~ more sustainable.
1. Mobile ticket. This is much easier, and you can’t lose it anyways. Printing tickets are not really necessary anymore, and it’s a much faster process
2. Pack less. A pet peeve of mine in international pageants is when people bring tons of suitcases. It’s excessive, unnecessary, and wasteful. Majority of international pageants need you to go from multiple cities, so the bags would take up 2 out of 4 car seats. You will most likely have to wear a sponsored pageant outfit majority of the time anyways. Flying with heavier items causes more carbon emissions, plus you need to wait to check in your bags, print labels and tickets, AND wait in baggage claim. Save yourself some time, space, and energy!
3. Head phones. I initially found this irrelevant but as I was waiting for the flight to leave I so wish I brought my own headphones to listen to the movie on the screen. And then I realized if I bought headphones I’d have to pay for them and get that extra plastic.
4. BYO- food, cutlery, you name it. Airports have everything disposable for sanitation reasons. Save some money as food at the airport is expensive.
Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂
Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂
Maintain the awesome job !! Lovin’ it!